We’re sure you have lots of questions, feel free to contact us if you just want to chat or have specific questions about anything at all!
Must I rebrand my company?
Always rebrand with a purpose. Are you expanding you business, shifting strategies, offering new products/services, need to pivot, whatever it may be. Do it with a purpose.
How often should I rebrand?
Only when you really need to. General rule of thumb is about 3 – 5 years. This does not mean changing your logo all the time, instead it’s good to evaluate your brand and more strategic shifts.
Why does rebranding cost so much?
Because it’s a longterm investment for your company. When the foundation is set right, everything will flow well. But fear not! FSKi aims to make branding accessible to all. Which means, we have options and solutions for you!
Can I just change my logo?
You can, but that wouldn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things. It will be exciting for awhile, then nothing. Branding is much more than that.
What’s the duration of a branding project?
Anywhere from 3 – 6 months depending on the final scope of work and parameters.
I have ideas, can I contribute as the client?
Yes of course! We never work in silos, instead we include the clients at every step of the way because at the end of the day, it is still YOUR company.